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Driving Under the Influence


     Being arrested for a DUI can be an embarrassing and scary experience. Often, people who are arrested for driving under the influence are normal, hardworking individuals; no one ever says “I’m going to drive drunk or high tonight.” The mere fact of being arrested is by itself enough to convince most individuals to not to drink and drive again.

     DUI offenses are serious crimes and are treated as such by law enforcement and the courts. A DUI conviction can result in a lengthy jail sentence, substantial fines, and burdensome probationary terms. It also can result in a license suspension or revocation, affecting your driving privilege. A DUI conviction further can be detrimental to your employment and immigration status.

     Just because you were arrested for a DUI, however, does not mean you committed a DUI. Police officers are tasked with public safety and thus have a lower standard in deciding whether to arrest. Prosecutors, however, have a much greater burden of proof and must prove beyond all reasonable doubt that you, in fact, committed a DUI.

     As a former prosecutor who trained both cops and prosecutors on DUI investigations, Mr. Jones knows if the prosecution has enough evidence to successfully prove its case against you. He will thoroughly analyze each piece of evidence, from the officer’s observations to any tests conducted, and determine any viable defenses or mitigating factors to assist your case.

     Our goal is to provide you with the exceptional representation you demand and expect from your attorney. Either through negotiation or going to trial, the Law Office of Rashaan W. Jones will zealously defend you. 

Contact The Law Office of Rashaan W. Jones in Fairfield or Napa for a
free initial consultation.

The Law Office of Rashaan W. Jones

Phone: 707-410-6759 

Copyright 2020.  All Rights Reserved.

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